lisa-morrissey-headshotAs I round throughout the hospital, I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you, answer your questions and hear your ideas on how to improve the patient and employee care experience. Every day, we face challenges, such as snow storms, unexpected changes in volume or acuity, or the need to work with a new system. I am impressed with your creative problem-solving and solution-seeking approaches and the support you provide one another. When everyone shares their thoughts and ideas, we can be best prepared to adapt and overcome these challenges and ensure the best care for patients and families.

I observe nurses focused on doing what they know their patients, families and colleagues need – creating an environment that promotes healing and wellbeing. In the narratives of our 2017 Essence of Nursing Award candidates, I read about their ability to connect with their patients and families and to create a healing environment where their patients and families feel cared for, despite the surgery, diagnosis or clinical event they may be facing.

Your ongoing excellent care, compassion and kindness creates equanimity for our patients and each other.

Many thanks for all you do.

Warm regards,





Lisa Morrissey, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC
Interim Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services