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Dear Colleagues

Jackie's New Headshot NewThis issue of Heart & Science features the theme of scholarship, a prominent part of our professional practice model.

As you will witness in this issue, there are many aspects to scholarship. These include first and foremost that clinicians at BWH are lifelong learners, pursuing advanced knowledge and academic advancement in service to our patients, families and communities. Our continued pursuit of knowledge ensures that our practice at the point of care is theory infused and evidence-informed, while shaped by the patient’s particular situation and preferences.

Our academic partnerships not only create opportunities for our incumbent clinicians, but ensure that we live up to our academic mission of preparing the next generation of practitioners. Over the course of a year, more than 1,500 students from nursing and allied health are part of our BWH family through clinical rotations and internships. Another example is our “Connected to a Nurse/Medical Student” program which advances inclusivity and interprofessional practice in a city where few opportunities exist for physicians and other disciplines to learn together side by side.

In addition to shaping practice in the next generation, our clinicians pursue the development of new knowledge through innovation, research and process improvement initiatives. For instance, we are currently participating in a clinical trial of a device that would support blood draws through peripheral IVs and has the potential to revolutionize care and significantly decrease human suffering. And finally, BWH clinicians disseminate our knowledge and experience locally, nationally and internationally through conferences, lectures, professional organizations and public policy debate to advance the care of patients across the globe.

Embrace your role as a BWH scholar! Across all disciplines, the opportunities to advance your own knowledge and generously invest in the advancement of others and ultimately the health of our world abound!

Warm Regards,

Jackie Somerville, PhD, RN
Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services

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