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Impact of Spiritual Care and Well-Being

Brian Conley, Chaplaincy Services

The vast majority of Americans identify religious faith or spiritual practices as an important part of their lives. While reasons vary, many include the sense of well-being and meaning they experience. Yet, the training of many doctors, psychologists, therapists or social workers does not address spiritual issues or how to talk with people about their religious beliefs.

Nancy Kehoe

“Spiritual Well-Being,” the theme of this year’s Spiritual Care Week (October 19–25), will be highlighted during grand rounds sponsored by the Chaplaincy Services department at noon on Oct. 23, in the L1Anesthesiology Conference Room. Guest presenter Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, PhD, a clinical psychologist and a member of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, a Roman Catholic religious order, will explore the importance of discussing religious and spiritual issues with patients and offer strategies for holding these discussions.

Kehoe uses the metaphor of building bridges between the fragmented parts of one’s life to help institutions and individuals reconnect to their core values and goals.

She has worked with religious communities for 30 years to help expand their understanding of mental illness. She also works with health care professionals to address the spiritual and religious needs of their patients and clients.

Kehoe is the author of the book Wrestling with our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness, and the Journey to Wholeness, as well as numerous published articles and presentations. To learn more, visit

The experience of any illness can trigger questions about life’s meaning and purpose and threaten our sense of well-being. These questions can lead any one of us to reconsider previously held meanings or reframe our understanding of the purpose of our life. Acknowledging this connection can only enhance the care we give to our patients and families.



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