BWH Partners eCare Super-Users: Before, During and After Implementation

BWH super-users from all areas of Patient Care Services are getting prepared to support their colleagues when Partners eCare (PeC) goes live on May 30.

These super-users play a critical role in our successful implementation of PeC. They are very similar to the super-users who helped in our transition to eMAR and the Discharge Module in that they are enthusiastic, approachable, willing to learn and willing to support others at a time of intense learning.

Our  PeC super-users have taken training classes, are proctoring additional user classes, are attending practice impact sessions and are engaged in other work activities on the Epic system. This is an effort to be as prepared as they can be in time to support our clinical staff during go-live and in the weeks after. Our super-users can offer insights on operational and clinical changes that will occur for all of us to consider in these weeks leading up to implementation. Our super-users are dedicated to supporting their peers during the transition as we adjust to our new integrated health information system. If they don’t know the answer to a question, they will know how to find it.

Providing PeC support will be their primary focus during implementation. They will not be engaged in patient care during this time. If you have questions or just need a little extra help, there will be a super-user available in your area 24/7 to guide you through.

When it comes time to go live, our super-users will be joined by Epic-trained super-users from outside of our organization. You will always know which super-user is a BWH employee as they will be wearing a distinctive colored vest identifying them. They will have buttons that tell you which PeC modules they are most familiar with. They will stand out as a dedicated group of PCS employees who went the extra mile to ensure a successful transition to PeC for our staff, our patients and their families.